ЗАКРЫТАЯ ШКОЛА - Ангел или демон

Текст песни:

Born to win


Ive got a million of unfulfilled dreams.
Got a feeling this all could be real .
Only God can see what I feel
and make it real for life .
Im on my way dropped a piece of my soul .
Never thought this way will be so long.
I brought it up and it makes me feel strong
and im not alone in my life .

Verse 1

Through the thorns to the stars
this way is hard im getting wild .
I was in coma its kind of sorrow,
but never feel lonely , cuz I did it with my hommies .
I jumped to catch this moment, but than I fell down .
I tried be the first in race to catch this crown .
Things change thats the way it is ,
but sometimes u want to keep everything like this.
Im not a peace destroyer, im not a peace keeper .
Ive got some feelings and want them to feel deeper .
Dont like to be a tripper, like to be an owner ,
this blood is over , i call them for donor .
Im from the honor place and im still honor.
Im gonna find u, even if u r huddled in the corner.
Life is short trip thats why we dont wait for summer,
this grief is over but not the end of drama .


Ive got a million of unfulfilled dreams.
Got a feeling this all could be real .
Only God can see what I feel
and make it real for life .
Im on my way dropped a piece of my soul .
Never thought this way will be so long.
I brought it up and it makes me feel strong
and im not alone in my life .

Verse 2

Its seems like im just breaking apart ,
I got enough of suffer, but never of my art.
I tried hard and in the end i took away those clouds ,
my passion be creator and dont matter if im famous .
I travelled a lot and i never feel my life so free.
I drowned in a quicksand, so u cant find me .
I heard whisper in space it was time whisper ,
i saw some people, been blown by time-twister .
My parents told me u gonna chose ur own way,
thats why im musician, but getting into subway .
Stay at home in holiday, doing stuff everyday
and may be ill find a way, to come up in one day.
I try to make it in the real life ,
your words are nothing if you are not alive .
So drop it if you are not gonna fight .
I feel life I breath life

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