50 Cent - Strong Enough

Текст песни:

You ain't strong enough nigga (you sweet)
You probably go against me and win (I oughta kiss you)
(You probably like dat)
But you, you don't stand a chance nigga (fuckin faggot)

[Verse 1]
I do more than talk that I mu'fuckin walk that
Blue Yankee cap back, fuck around get CLAPPED AT
I sleep with the stainless I walk with the stainless
Man everybody know about 50 I'm famous
New York New York I run New York
Ask Dread at the weed spot I come through in the mean drop
In different boroughs I have different moments
On different days niggas know how I'm on it
I'm pretty like a Harlem nigga, I'm a shooter like a Brooklyn nigga
I'm a hustler don't get no bigger
Queens, SouthSide 'til they bury me
BX two tek's, flames out the nozzles
R1 One wheel, Christian Dior goggles
Spare with me start some shit send the shooters out
Come out the club we out front with the Ruegers out
Nah ain't no sense to talkin peace my brotha
That beef will probably send your monkey ass to see Allah

These niggas ain't strong enough Their money ain't long enough
When they bump heads with me, they find out the guns do bust
We gettin paper In God We Trust (THESE SUCKER ASS NIGGAS)
These niggas ain't strong enough Their money ain't long enough
When they bump heads with me, they find out the guns do bust
We gettin paper In God We Trust (SUCK ON THIS NIGGA)

[Verse 2]
When I said I'll kill ya, I'll kill ya, as a kid I wasn't kiddin then
Special ed kid in the back on Ritalin
Crib all fucked up, hooptie all fucked up
Pockets all fucked up, now nigga wassup?
I'm rcih now, niggas know about my dividends
Look at the Raw Report, check out what I'm livin in
Fuck a spot now, I'm 'bout to buy a yacht now
Crib the size of the New York City clock now
Okay okay - try me and get shot down
I'm like a zebra, I got so many stripes
I'm the fuckin general, I RUN MY CLIQUE RIGHT
It was five of us, ALL of us millionaires
Now one's a fuckin junkie, and one's a fuckin queer
Now it's three of us, that's the way we started
They call me crazy, cold-blooded and BLACK-hearted
I don't play no games, niggas Beg for Mercy
Then we "T.O.S.", put that ass to rest

These niggas ain't strong enough There money ain't long enough
When they bump heads with me, they find out the guns do bust
We gettin paper In God We Trust (THESE SUCKER ASS NIGGAS)
These niggas ain't strong enough There money ain't long enough
When they bump heads with me, they find out the guns do bust
We gettin paper In God We Trust (SUCK ON THIS NIGGA)

50 Cent - Strong Enough

Слова песни прочитаны: 673

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