Arctic Monkeys - Pretty Visitors

Текст песни:

Tricking through the morning
The tramp with the trampoline under his arm
Shifts past your whiskers
So spark is a charm with the barking alarm
Weighs coil til the corner is turned

And the bicycle wheels, all struggle to move round
In your muddy mind blatantly cape town
And will intertwine in co-operative time
Shall we sit on the springs til the moon goes dry

All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall
All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall

What came first the chicken or the dickhead?
Split sleep reeps through rewards and ill fitting thoughts
A twilight force, she doesnt wanna walk
Your legs start running and your legs gets caught

Cannot be nineteen, its perfectly placed for
The reasonably frightening,
Pulled from the after taste, youll have to slip away
and Im happy to say
Behold as the crook in a hammock plays

All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall
All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall

Behold as the crook in the hammock plays
Crawling with the base of the scales
And fiddles with the feet on a balancing act
Gagged, bound and craft in a tale
Trailing wrapped in a gasp

All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall
All the pretty visitors
Came and waved their arms and cast
The shadow of a snake pit on the wall

Arctic Monkeys - Pretty Visitors

Слова песни прочитаны: 496

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