Drake - The Language twinsmatic Remix

Текст песни:

[Verse 1]
I don't know why they been lying but your shit is not that inspiring
Bank account statements just look like I'm ready for early retirement
Fuck any nigga that's talkin' that shit just to get a reaction
Fuck going platinum, I looked at my wrist and it's already platinum
I am the kid with the motor mouth
I am the one that you should worry about
I don't know who you're referring to, who is this nigga you heard about?
Someone just talking that bullshit, man someone just gave you the run-around
Niggas downplaying the money but that's what you do when the money down
I don't waste time putting money down
I just go straight to who got it and buy it in cash
Pussy so good that you gotta come see me on tour
And you gotta fly in first class
This has been years in the making, it's all for the city
They know I come right every summer, Cash Money Records forever
I'm always big timing, bitch, I came up right under Stunna
You know it

Jealousy in the air tonight, I could tell
I will never understand that but oh well
Been ready, it's real, I don't know about you
She just want to smoke and fuck
I said "Girl, that's all that we do"
Okay, now you're talking my language
Now you're talking my language
Now you're talking my language
Now you're talking my language
Been ready, it's real, I don't know about you
She just want to smoke and fuck
I said "Girl, that's all that we do"

[Verse 2]
I'm about to roll one and light it and fuck it man, no one's invited
I got to kill off the weak shit that's got all you niggas excited
I can't even listen, you whylin', I'd much rather sit here in silence
I send all my money to banks in the islands and eat with Italians, I do
People are funny you don't even know about the shit that I been through
I just want some head in a comfortable bed, it could all be so simple
Talking that shit with your back to me, just know it always get back to me
Come get your girl, she been here for three days
And she way too attached to me
Hate when they get too attached to me
I got to get on the bus and get back on the road
Get what I can out the country
And then I just get on the jet and go back to the cold
Can't even drive with the top off
Been workin' so hard on the album I missed the whole summer
I just might bring in some girls from Miami
To heat up the city and that's word to Stunna
You know it


[Outro Birdman]
Famous and dangerous
You understand me?
Showtime, headlines
Big time, sunshine, tote nines
Bust mines, flatline, hard grind
High life, stay fly as jet time
Stunt nigga, every time you see a nigga
Stunt nigga, every time you see a nigga
Stunt nigga, swag on head to feet nigga
Stunt nigga...

Drake - The Language (twinsmatic Remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 487

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