Eva Gutowski - Literally My Life

Текст песни:


Inside my sheets
With the screen lighting up my face
Ive got my life
Laid out in a visual space

See in the real world
These brows are not on fleek
Winged liner aint so easy
My look is pretty weak

But here online where
I can do anything
The waters sold in boxes
And O2L can sing

Goals Actual goals AF

Literally, my life, is
Beaches every night
Messy buns and Chrisas lights
Literally, my life, is
Skinny waists and high fashion
Riding in the G-Wagon

Literally, my life is
Literally, my life is

Ooooooh weee, I have everything - reblogged on the screen
Ooooooh weee, I have everything - reblogged on the screen

So back in real life
I still cant find a bae (shoot)
My local coffee shop
Still messes up my name (it's only three letters)

Hey lets get lost in
One million pins and Tweets
Ill live my life like Kylie
And buy expensive sweets (gluten free)

My nails will be too long
To get done anything
Ill sip artistic lattes
And rock expensive bling

Literally, my life, is
Beaches every single night
Messy buns and Chrisas lights
Literally, my life, is
Skinny waists and high fashion
Riding in the G-Wagon

Literally, my life is
Literally, my life is

Ooooooh weee, I have everything - reblogged on the screen.
Ooooooh weee, I have everything - reblogged on the screen.

Ooooooh weee, I have everything...

Literally, my life, is
Thrifting stores and hand me downs
Picking graduation gowns
Literally, my life, is
Hitting up the drive-thru
Got shotgun in Moms Subaru

Literally, my life is
Literally, my life is

Living in my yoga pants
Shaving for the school dance
Dealing with Felicias rants

Homework by the fridge light
Netflix dates and pillow fights
2 a.m. on a summer night

Ooooooh weee, I have everything right in front of me
Ooooooh weee, I have everything right in front of me


Eva Gutowski - Literally My Life

Слова песни прочитаны: 620

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