Glee Cast - Sing My Chemical Romance

Текст песни:

Sing it out
Boy you've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
Girl you've got to be what tomorrow needs
For every time that they want to count you out
And use your voice every single time you open up your mouth

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it 'til you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world

Sing it out
Boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means
Sing it out
Girl before they kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to, make a choice before the music drowns you out
And raise your voice every single time they're trying shut your mouth

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it 'til you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world

Cleaned up, corporation progress&8232
Dying in the process&8232
Children that can talk about it
&8232Living on the railway&8232
People moving sideways&8232
Sell it til your last days&8232
Buy yourself the motivation
Generation nothing,
&8232Nothing but a dance scene (dead scene?)&8232
Product of a white dream&8232
I am not the singer that you wanted&8232, but a dancer
I refuse to answer, talk about the past
&8232And rooting for the ones that want to get away.

Keep running

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it 'til you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world

Weve got to see what tomorrow brings
&8232Sing it for the world
&8232Sing it for the world&8232
Girl you got to be what tomorrow needs&8232
Sing it for the world
&8232Sing it for the world

Glee Cast - Sing  (My Chemical Romance)

Слова песни прочитаны: 571

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