Hollywood Undead - New Day

Текст песни:

Johnny 3 Tears
So anybody froze in the alley of scars
Mama what you think he wasn't swimming with sharks?
You think I'm evil now keep them kids in the dark
I got a gallon of gasoline and a chestful of heart
So you hide behind the paper and them records that made me
Immunization, on papers I'm 18
Selling some rights for this Johnny come lately
Like fate in some bars, you think it fucking gon change me?
From the bottom of bottles and it's right back to the top
It's a space in between where I keep getting caught
Yeah, I listen to these demons way more often than not
So I'll just keep on singing 'cause I don't wanna talk

Cause I know, I know, Im not right,
But Ive got my whole life and thats alright for me.

Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
In a new day, a new day, its a broken life, whats left inside?
Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
Its a new day, how do we change? With the broken life, whats left inside?

Today is my dream, but tomorrow I choose
To stay awake and unseen, or sleep in oceans of blue
Its true the devil in me it's like speech you the freak
They say my tongue turns black every time that I breathe
Pretend Im just a thief, Im not allowed to preach
But you can hear my words as they bleed through the streets
To wonder achieve, has never been a disease
You know, we can burn the earth with kerosene and a dream
The lynch of the mob, and the power that be
They see me as a threat to the sheep, Im looking for meat
I can see the light and feel the beat of the drums
I aint finished yet, I wanna cry when they come.

Cause I know, I know, Im not right,
But Ive got my whole life and thats alright for me.

Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
In a new day, a new day, its a broken life, whats left inside?
Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
Its a new day, how do we change? With the broken life, whats left inside?

So where do we go, when theres nowhere left to crawl?
And what do we do, when we thought we knew it all?
Now were surrounded by a world of lonely people
Am I the last one here, or the last one left to fall?

Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
In a new day, a new day, its a broken life, whats left inside?
Its a new day, a new day, you have loved yourself and no one else
Its a new day, how do we change? With the broken life, whats left inside?

Hollywood Undead - New Day

Слова песни прочитаны: 830

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