Jasmine Thompson - Friends

Текст песни:

Weve been waiting and dreaming
weve always believed in forever
Weve been hoping for years
that our pennies just turn into gold
Our only rule is that we live this life in the moment,
But the futuresre unknown
and the stories are yet to be told

Who knows, who cares what were gonna be
If youre near, Im there- it will always be home,
wherever we go- ooh

Say well be always together
facing the sun as it rises up
Friends like you they last forever
and everybody singing ooh

Through the good or the bad and the better,
well find our way, no matter what
we can dance we can stay out whatever
Well fall in love singing ooh

Lets go west down the river
or we could fly off on the highway
Throw our hands to the sky
feel the wind like the rush of a wave
Catching butterflies, summer skies,
chasing our dreams to the moonlight
Cause we live and we love
and we laugh all our troubles away

Who knows, who cares what were gonna be
If youre near, Im there it will always be home
wherever we go ooh

Say well be always together
facing the sun as it rises up
Friends like you they last forever
and everybody singing ooh

Through the good or the bad and the better
well find our way, no matter what
we can dance we can stay out whatever
Well fall in love singing ooh
We could find a new place everyday
dont care could be anywhere
We could build a fire by the lake
Cause anywhere is home, wherever we go ooh

Say well be always together
facing the sun as it rises up
Friends like you they last forever
and everybody singing oooo
Through the good or the bad and the better
well find our way, no matter what
we can dance we can stay out whatever
Well fall in love singing oooo

Jasmine Thompson - Friends

Слова песни прочитаны: 506

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