Marlin Manson - The golden age of grotesque

Текст песни:

All our monkeys have monkeys
We drive them down across town in Jaguar limousines
We're not fantastic motherfuckers, but we play them on TV
It's a dirty world Reich, say what you like
It's a dirty world Reich, say what you like

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

The devils are girls with Van Goghs missing ears
You say what you want but filth is all that they hear
I've got the jigger to make all you bigger
Ladies und gentlemen
So drop your piss roommate, and make sure you're not late
You tramps and lunatics
It's a trick that's gonna make you click

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

It's a dirty world Reich, say what you like
It's a dirty world Reich, say what you like

So up* tries rowdy rowdy honey finger goodbye dolls
Hells are boppin', open your third nostril
Put on your black face, and your god is gone

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the lower Gloominati, and we aim to depress
The scabaret sacrilegends
This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We sing la la, la la, la la lah
We sing la la, la la, lah
La la, la la, la la, lah
We sing la la, la la, la la lah

Marlin Manson - The golden age of grotesque

Слова песни прочитаны: 618

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