Meghan Trainor - Walkashame

Текст песни:

Ваш лучший ресурс о Меган Трейнор

Oh my god, I put my pants on inside out
I couldn't tell cause the lights were out
I beat the sunrise again, oh oh oh
Neighbors stare, I smile away cause I just don't care
They're probably jealous of my sexy hair
And the heels in my hands
Well please don't judge, it was my madaleine
I had a lot to drink
But I was only being safe

Don't act like you haven't been there
Sipping in on with the bad head
Everyone knows it's the walkashame

My daddy knows I'm a good girl
We all make mistakes in the drunk world
Everyone here's on the walkashame

Oh my brain, little bird just don't like airplanes
Hop on something so cute calls me
So much pain
Well please don't judge, it was my madaleine
I had a lot to drink
But I was only being safe

Don't act like you haven't been there
Sipping in on with the bad head
Everyone knows it's the walkashame

My daddy knows I'm a good girl
We all make mistakes in the drunk world
Everyone here's on the walkashame

I might be walking but it's only cause I'm out of breath
Don't even try to act like you ain't done the same mistake
And if you're gonna do the walk, do it like a boss, a boss
That's right
A little bit of rum in my tummy, yom, yom,
Must shake it up, and dance like a dummy, dom, dom
He kissed me and called me his babe
Asked me to stay
How could I turned that away?
Don't judge, it was my madaleine
I had a lot to drink
But I was only being safe

Don't act like you haven't been there
Sipping in on with the bad head
Everyone knows it's the walkashame

My daddy knows I'm a good girl
We all make mistakes in the drunk world
Everyone here's on the walkashame

Don't act like you haven't been there
Sipping in on with the bad head
Everyone knows it's the walkashame

Meghan Trainor - Walkashame

Слова песни прочитаны: 588

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