Nicki Minaj feat. Lunch Lewis - Trini Dem Girls minus

Текст песни:

[Hook Lunchmoney Lewis]
Brixton girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Queens dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Trini dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Jamaica dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum

[Verse 1 Nicki MInaj]
Yo, he in love with a ghetto girl
He said he want a piece like Metta World
Pat, pat on the kitty cat
He don't mess with them...regulars
He tryna kick it like a ninja
He tryna stick it like syringes
He don't ever play the benches
So I'ma let him touch it if he playin' with some inches

[Pre-Hook Nicki Minaj]
I know that you want it
I see that you watching
You love when I wine it
You know that I'm sexy
I hope that you ready
To come here and get it
Where di hot gyal dem

[Hook Lunchmoney Lewis]
Brixton girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Queens dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Trini dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Jamaica dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum

[Verse 2 Nicki Minaj]
Put it in his face like a cop badge
He wanna pound it like a hashtag
He gonna have to get the wash rag
If he shoot it up, I'm gonna bust back
Them island girls is the baddest (mm)
American girls run the planet (mm)
South African, European, Asian, Australian
And my Canadian Girls

[Pre-Hook Nicki Minaj]
I know that you want it
I see that you watching
You love when I wine it
You know that I'm sexy
I hope that you ready
To come here and get it
Where di hot gyal dem

[Hook Lunchmoney Lewis]
Brixton girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Queens dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Trini dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Jamaica dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum

[Bridge Nicki Minaj]
All the bad boys try to push up on me (Hey)
He want a bad girl to come and spend his money (Hey)
He say it taste good, just like honey (Hey)
He in love with a girl from the islands
And how the miniskirt flow

[Pre-Hook Nicki Minaj]
I know that you want it
I see that you watching
You love when I wine it
You know that I'm sexy
I hope that you ready
To come here and get it
Where di hot gyal dem

[Hook Lunchmoney Lewis]
Brixton girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Queens dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Trini dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum
Jamaica dem girls, dem a pat the pum pum
Dem a wine up dem waist, dem a pat the pum pum

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