P.Diddi & Nicole Scherzinger - Come to me

Текст песни:

[Nicole (Diddy)]
It's Bad Boy bitch
Do it do it do it do it
Do it do it do it do it
(It feels good to be back, I missed ya)
Relax your mind, let's the concepts be free
And I roll with the sounds of BPE
Do it do it do it do it
Do it do it do it do it
(You know what time it is)
(Report to the dance floor)
It's bad boy bitch
(Talk to 'em)

See you laughing with one of my eye
Leanin on the wall lookin fly
I want you to come be with me
You're the only one I wanna talk to
But I don't wanna rush

[Chorus - Nicole]
I'm here when will you make your move?
I see you, I am me, I want cha, why don't cha
Come to me, I can be, what you need, uh baby
I'm standin, been waitin, I'm yearnin, I'm burnin
Come to know me, come and get to know me
Come to show me, that you wanna know me

You know who it is, I'm back in the building
Security strapped, still stackin a million
It's doubt with the stallion, somethin' Italian
Or maybe Puerto Rican, you can catch me in Paris
I'm in it to win it but willin to carry
The game, if you think I'm not look at the carats
I buck clean about in a Phantom
The people go screamin like an opera anthem
I did it before, do it again
I got to blow, gotta to spin
Lies before, cool as the wind
Got hits go back like Juicy Jin, yeah
Shine the best and diamond necklace
My extravagant taste, the style perplexes
They know I'm the ish, they wanna get next
That's why she had to fit cause she wanted to get next


[Diddy (Nicole)]
Anywhere I appear, they all stop and stare
Admire your body language speakin loud and clear like
(I want you to come be with me)
She be waitin anticipatin for oh so long
Fantasising wild thoughts of me comin on like
(I'm here when will you make your move)
She diggin my style, my swag, my suede, my swirve
My way with words, the Boys absurd for sure
You can't fall til my aura called
I make miracles like I walk on water
What you want mama order, it's on my tab
I'm so bad with the cash, I dropped the whole bag
Where you at girl?


I'm here in love, can't wait no more no
You were the one who stole my heart
Can't you see the way to sober(?)
I need you to come closer
Please believe is getting stormy
You really got me hot


[Diddy and Nicole]
Do it do it do it do it
Do it do it do it do it
Why don't cha come to me
I can be, what you need uh baby
I'm here, you're here, let's make it happen
Do it do it do it do it
Do it do it do it do it
Relax your mind, let's the concepts be free
And I roll with the sounds of BPE
Do it, do it
You know what this is
It's Bad Boy bitch
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