Tech N9ne - So Lonely

Текст песни:

So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
When I came up,
I was famous
And I stayed up
Now I'm way up
People they just
Turn to hater

Verse I (Tech N9ne)
Been alone ever since I started
To be an artist
I've been disregarded
I mean the hardest they ever seen
I put them in the garbage to be a part of when I spit this
Whammy is wicked
Face covered up just like Stanley Ipkiss
But damn he is lifted were no families listed
Plan to revisit that big plan that he misses
But the land that he shifted, twisted a bit
Cuz man he resisted to jam when he script it
Calamity Insanity with it
Like amity preaches sickness hit when banisty livid
So Blow me, with a bucket of hot feces poured on me
Never loved it, now ya'll just be so phoney
No Homies
Would I never let bozos with so-so flows own me
When it said it gets better it's just bologna
That's why N9nas so lonely

(Chorus Mackenzie, Tech N9ne)
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
When I came up,
I was famous
And I stayed up
Now I'm way up
People they just
Turn to hater

This my planet higher then yours, damn it
No laws and it's no raw candid inside I made them all vanish
Vandalistic with this
If man get his lips in this
Quick damage and rip the bitch
No bandages with a fit he draws panic
From clones I spit it up and then they gone
And I'm livin it up within my zone
Nobody love to win my throne
Try calling home but everybody is so monotone
And your gettin this while the Tech is all alone

Verse II(Blind Fury)
Tech(Tech) Wait(Wait)
It's so Lonely up here (why)
Ain't none of my homies up here (oh)
Cuz they feel like I chose a career over my peers
But I try to tell them love don't pay bills
But me spittin these frees and pre-writtens is probably what's gone make
Try to stay chill
When a lot of rappers lust and chase thrills
Fuck the fame and the thrills I'm maintaining the real
Straight up fury ain't no jury minus the chain and the grill
To me, you were lame if you ain't been embracing the skill
Ya see, cuz I been in it, for a minute, and I ain't gonna go away
Ya'll keep them trash rappers, but I'm the one that ya'll throw away
Them songs I make will show the pain but this game aint to friendly
I can't take it no more so sing it Mackenzie and tell em' why I'm

(Chorus Mackenzie, Tech N9ne)
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
When I came up,
I was famous
And I stayed up
Now I'm way up
People they just
Turn to hater

Verse III (Blind Fury)
Got everything that I wanted but it came with a price
Bought me a crib with my money, but I gave up my life
Sometimes I stay up kinda late, and I hate it at night
Every other day me and my lady we break up and fight
Thinkin you bringing that mentality into my galaxy is a fallacy for anybody
That battle me
Realizing I ain't got nothin but friends and family
And after that ain't nobody else gonna look after me

So I'm proud to be
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely

Tech N9ne - So Lonely

Слова песни прочитаны: 653

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