The Living Tombstone - Squid Melody [Blue Version]

Текст песни:

Verse 1
I can't believe what I'm feeling when I'm right near,
Your vibrant colors make the sadness disappear.
Such is love, makes me happy we're both artists
We changed the world together more than we first started

Let's paint the world with the colors of the rainbow
Make vivid images to look outside our windows
So take your brush, don't be afraid to show your talent
Spread your designs and drown the Earth in your palette

Your drawings look like heaven to me,
Such piece of art makes a lovely gift to see
I hope one day we will share memories,
You paint the world and I'll play my melodies

Your drawings look like heaven to me,
Such piece of art makes a lovely gift to see
I hope one day we will share memories,
You paint the world and I'll play my melodies


Verse 2
Like every artist we have ups and downs,
Our closest friends can't always just bring us around,
So just remember and listen to what I said
Create as much art as you can before you will drop dead

Don't be afraid to try a different angles,
Sometimes ideas can come from looking at examples,
I'll be your guide, follow me on your adventure,
We'll conquer minds and amaze the world together

Splash every color and spray in every shading,
Assault their senses with the art that you're persuading
You won't believe that your job is almost over,
It's kind of sad that it could've been much longer

Your drawings look like heaven to me,
Such piece of art makes a lovely gift to see
I hope one day we will share memories,
You paint the world and I'll play my melodies

Your drawings look like heaven to me,
Such piece of art makes a lovely gift to see
I hope one day we will share memories,
You paint the world and I'll play my melodies


The Living Tombstone - Squid Melody [Blue Version]

Слова песни прочитаны: 923

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