Григорий Лепс и Тимати - Лондон 2016

Текст песни:

It only happens here in London.
Drive me happens in London.
Where the freaks come alive.
We are wreckless and wild.
We're the kings of the night.
It only happens here in London.
We got the fire burning red hot.
And we never stop.
Give it all you got.
In this city we go I do we drop.
It only happens here in London.

They say London Bridge is falling.
I say the UK ballin.
The Arabs pulling them whips out.
They love to go all in.
Abramovich bought Chelsea.
Russia put them chips up.
The Pound is still the best currency.
If you really trying to live it up.
I just touch down in Heathrow.
In that G6 fuck that G4.
Ain't worry about no jet lag.
I came to party with my people.

It only happens here in London.
Drive me happens in London.
Where the freaks come alive.
We are wreckless and wild.
We're the kings of the night.
It only happens here in London.
We got the fire burning red hot.
And we never stop.
Give it all you got.
In this city we go I do we drop.
It only happens here in London.

That London Eye keeps spinning.
Watching all the beautiful women.
Them imports from Milan.
European models still winning.
At tea time I pop champagne.
Wiling out like Soho.
You can find me in the Hyde Park.
One of those places I call home.
I just shut down Harrods.
Harry Winston for them carats.
Shout out to my killers in Brixton.
And to my n*ggas in Paris.

Tonight is all we got.
So let's take the fast lane.
If we live let's see tomorrow.
We can do it again.
There's no place in the world.
That I'd rather be than here with you.

It only happens here in London
Drive me happens in London.
Where the freaks come alive.
We are wreckless and wild.
We're the kings of the night.(x2)

It only happens here in London.
We got the fire burning red hot.
And we never stop.
Give it all you got.
In this city we go I do we drop.
It only happens here in London.

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