Люби маму, папу, рэп и громкие девятки - для ваших сабиков пацанчики

Текст песни:

She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
It's a puddle on the ground, girl go on get a towel and wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
It's a puddle on the ground girl go on get a towel (Kali Baby)

[Krizz Kaliko]
I'm kalico ala I like that pu wah wah
She let me do what I want to her then I'm through with her
I never smooch with her
She I'm the gooch with her
She got a fupa it don't matter I'm still scooping her
See see see see see baby like beats like
Shes like smellin right then tellin what that peach like (HEY)
I take a sniff and sniff her up like snuffaluffagus
A horny lil devil's what shes up against
She drippin perfection
Perfect sweat drippin all ova her
Bodacious bernadette is what I'm callin her must sop her up
I cough it up to get a proper slop with her
Ya I'm confident but hopein it can pop with her, she popular
I get her off that fluid
It be nuthin to it
Gotta have her still but a bad one
So I holla Oh let do it
Yo chewbacca got me to hot I need cool wata
Or ya pu wah wah wah wah

She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
It's a puddle on the ground, girl go on get a towel and wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
It's a puddle on the ground girl go on get a towel

[Kutt Calhoun]
Kutt Calhoun Na na
I love when pu wah wah
Make me speakin baby talk
Goo goo gah love u doin that
Thing u do with your lil beaver got me pursuin that
Kitty you call sylvester
But tweety would call you puddy tat (meow)
Pussy cats all around me dog it's nature to look at that, woof at that
Maybe later I'll place a bone in her nookie sack
Perfect woman to mate with
Had a few and we took it back to the bedrock
Yellin YA BA DAB A DOO on the whoopie sack

[Tech N9ne]
Tech Nina na I make the pu wah wah
And I make that moolah lah true dolla so I'm due ala
What you want do pah pah
You brought the ca ca to da da
Now that's just like a chihuahua against chewbaca, (na na na)
She turned it up and now she let the rump go (na na na)
She pulled the lil homie now I want mo (na na na)
She made the pu wah wah now she won't go
Like the Homie AP say shut the front doe

She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
She got that pu wah wah wah
Drip drip drip
It's a puddle on the ground, girl go on get a towel and wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Wipe it up
Wipe it up
Now wipe it up
Now wipe it up
It's a puddle on the ground girl go on get a towel

I'm Mackzilla la I like that pu wah wah
Ya I want cha friend (my Friend?)
No not chu ma ma (what?)
That one over there (her?)
Ya over there (oh) ya that pretty lil sumthin with the long hair
I see your christian Louis Vuitton so your shoe game right
This swag is aosphere so that means it out of sight
Made my way thru the crowd yep approach got near
Post at chu at the bar and whispered in ya ear
Hey Miss lady (radio edit) got chu from a crush
She said she ain't a groupie chick and I know you a star
Don't sweet talk me if you plan on playin around
So I jumped on the ground and I start to scream loud
Yo body so bad like Jessica Biel
No mirage booty pop saggy booty conceled
She hot yes sir americans top model

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