Верка Сердючка - Все будет хорошо Стас Мицкевич

Текст песни:

Take me on a whim
It's not the sun that provides us
It's not the moon that divides us

I can barely swim
And the current's coming in
And the current's coming in again

Stand up when you hear your name
'Cus I think that we're the same
We've got the same old hands
We've made the same old plans

Bail out to the yellow raft
It's got a hole but we can last
We'll watch until it fades away

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

I've been painted gin
It's not the colour I came in
It's not the shirt that I stayin' in

Hang me on a limb
And the current's coming in
And the current's coming in again

Stand up when you hear your name
'Cus I think that we're the same
We've got the same old hands
We've made the same old plans

Bail out to the yellow raft
It's got a hole but we can last
We'll watch until it fades away

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up
I won't be satisfied

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up
I won't be satisfied

Stop right there
I've got a hole inside my chest
And 'til it fills up

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

Time is taking over
Look how far we've come
Some were never meant to come here
Some were never meant to leave the ground

It's time to take it over
Step out into the sun

It's time to take it over
And look how far we've come

We've come....

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