Максим Доши - I Am The Best Paul Baldhill cover

Текст песни:

Hello, ladies
I am the best
And I have got a lotta girlfriends
So Im about to have sex
If you wanna be my next, bitch
You should get in the line
Maybe then you stand in front of me
And Ima put ya on behind
Ima let you heal my passion
And Ima let you feel my flow
So then you gonna join the action
After it ends you dare for more
But if you not gonna like it
Then you can gon walk away
Cuz Ive a lotta girls to fuck
So I dont care bout what you say

Whatever you say, I know I am the best
I am the best I am the best
Whatever you say, girl

I can swing you high in the LA rollercoaster
I can let you drive in the London Tower Bridge
I can take you to a restaurant or bake in a toaster
I can do whatever, bitch, bypassing any hitch
Im abso-ideal, second to nobody else
You can choose another, but there wont be clucking bells
And remember, bitch, that I aint gonna cry
Cuz I dont really care-o-what you say until I die
Die, die, die, die

I am the best because I am the best
You ain't the best because you ain't the best
He ain't the best because he ain't the best
She ain't the best because she ain't the best
I am the best and I don't care of what she says
I am the best because I am the best
You ain't the best because you ain't the best
They ain't the best because they ain't the best
I am the best and I don't care about the rest

Максим Доши - I Am The Best (Paul Baldhill cover)

Слова песни прочитаны: 1015

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