Песня для - выхода жениха и невесты

Текст песни:

What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Uh ha haa ha
What is it good for?
Absolutley nothing...say it again y'all
War..huh...look out...
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...listen to me ohhhhh

WAR I despise,
'cos it means destruction of innocent lives,
War means tears to thousands of mother's eyes,
When their sons gone to fight and lose their lives.

I said WAR...huh...good God y'all,
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...say it again
War Huh...What is it good for (Edwin sings 'Wohh oh Lord' over the top)
Absolutely nothing...listen to me

WAR It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker,
War. Friend only to the undertaker.
Ohhh War is an enemy to all mankind,
The thought of war blows my mind.
War has caused unrest within the younger generation
Induction then destruction...who wants to die? Ohhh

WAR good God y'all huh
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...say it say it SAY IT
WAR...uh huh yeah hu
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...listen to me

WAR It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker,
War It's got one friend that's the undertaker.
Ohhhh War has shattered many a young man's dream,
Made him disabled, bitter and mean,
Life is much too short and precious to spend fighting wars these days.
War can't give life, it can only take it away

Ohhh WAR huh...good God y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...say it again
War...huh...woh oh oh Lord
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing...listen to me

War It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker,
War. Friend only to the undertaker...woo
Peace lovin' understand then tell me,
Is there no place for them today?
They say we must fight to keep our freedom,
But Lord knows there's got to be a better way.

Ohhhhhhh WAR huh...good God y'all...
What is it good for?...you tell me
Say it say it say it saaaay it
War good God now...huh
What is it good for?
Stand up and shout it...NOTHING

Песня для - выхода жениха и невесты

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