50 Cent, Olivia - Candy Shop Explicit

Текст песни:

So seductive

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollipop
Go 'head girl don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

I'll take you to the candy shop (yeah)
Boy, one taste of what I got (uh-huh)
I'll have you spending all you got (come on)
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

You could have it your way, how do you want it?
You gon' back that thing up, or should I push up on it?
Temperature rising, okay, let's go to the next level
Dance floor jam-packed, hot as a tea kettle

I break it down for you now, baby it's simple
If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho
In the hotel, or in the back of the rental
On the beach or in the park, it's whatever you into

Got the magic stick, I'm the love doctor
I ain't finished teaching you 'bout how sprung I got ya
Wanna show me how you work it baby? No problem, get on top
Then get your bounce around, like a little rider

I'm seasoned vet when it come to this shit
After you work up a sweat you can play with this stick
I'm trying to explain, baby, the best way I can
I melt in your mouth girl, not in your hands, ha-ha

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

Girl what we do, what we do
And where we do, and where we do
The things we do, things we do
Are just between me and you, yeah, oh yeah

Give it to me baby, nice and slow
Climb on the top, ride like you in a rodeo
You ain't never heard a sound like this before
'Cause I ain't never put it down like this

As soon as I come through the door, she get to pulling on my zipper
It's like it's a race who could get undressed quicker
Isn't it ironic how erotic it is to watch 'em in thongs?
Had me thinking 'bout that ass after I'm gone

I touch the right spot at the right time
Lights on, or lights off, she like it from behind
So seductive you should see the way she whine
Her hips in slow mo' on the floor when we grind

Long as she ain't stopping, homie I ain't stopping
Dripping wet with sweat, man it's on and popping
All my champagne campaign, bottle after bottle, it's on
And we gon' sip 'til every bubble in every bottle is gone

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollipop
Go 'head girl don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy, one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy, one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot, whoa

50 Cent, Olivia - Candy Shop (Explicit)

Слова песни прочитаны: 676

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