Amaranthe - Hunger OST Attack on Titan

Текст песни:

Hear me scream
It's unreal, what's inside of me
Broken bones and the code that hunts me
Welcome home, I'm alone, is it gone
What I'm feeling is surreal

World in flames
It's a chase, I'm a cornered man
It's a pulse in my veins, no delays
It's a rain, it's a chamber of dust
As I'm viewing the plains

I have no faith in our reality
No mirror can correct my destiny
One thing to rule what I've become
Take it or leave it 'cause this is my love song

A drop of blood
A flood of anger for old times

Of the sorrow I lust

Hunger - Save me
One world depending on me
I have the force in me
The truth will be revealed
Higher - Faster
I am the fuel to set you free
I am your destiny

I'm ashamed in the pouring rain
Disinform, set the norm
You're to blame
Spin the wheel, break the seal to conceal
That I'm finding it so real

I'm ashamed, not the way that I want to be
Have to bare my own soul, unveil me
To discern it's my turn, have to learn
I have to face it

That the world will burn

This message written for us on the wall
No need to correct the way I walk
One world, one lust and our dream
Ruined in pieces, a human machine

A drop of blood
A flood of anger for old times

Of the Sorrow I lust

Hunger - Save me
One world depending on me
I have the force in me
The truth will be revealed
Higher - Faster
I am the fuel to set you free
I am your destiny

One raging anger
Grows inside
From the sorrow I lust

Hunger - Save me
One world depending on me
I have the force in me
The truth will be revealed
Higher - Faster
I am the fuel to set you free
I am your destiny

Amaranthe - Hunger (OST Attack on Titan)

Слова песни прочитаны: 512

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