Architects - Gone With The Wind Made By Past Acoustic Cover

Текст песни:

The weight of the world is resting on thin ice
When the surface breaks will I find paradise?
As I freeze to death, left to reflect
What a waste of time I was, in retrospect

Id take a leap of faith, but Id lose my nerve
In the end, Ill get the hell that I deserve

Im always gone with the wind
Crawling in and out of my mind
God knows, I lost all my faith

A sickness with no remedy, except the ones inside of me
You ever wonder how deep you could sink
Into nothing at all?
Disintegrate, annihilate me

[Verse 1]
Do you remember when you said to me
My friend, hope is a prison?
Hope is a prison

[Verse 2]
Of all the patterns that I could create, I built a labyrinth with no escape
To keep my self under lock and key
I am my own worst enemy

Id take a leap of faith, but Id lose my nerve
In the end, Ill get the hell that I deserve

Im always gone with the wind
Crawling in and out of my mind
God knows, I lost all my faith

[Chorus] (x2)
A sickness with no remedy, except the ones inside of me
You ever wonder how deep you could sink
Into nothing at all?
Disintegrate, annihilate me

If I could silence all the doubt in me
Accept that what is meant to be (Is meant to be)
You ever wonder how deep you can sink
Into nothing at all?
Disintegrate, annihilate me

Do you remember when you said to me
My friend, hope is a prison?

Architects - Gone With The Wind (Made By Past Acoustic Cover)

Слова песни прочитаны: 518

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