Bob Moses - Tearing Me Up

Текст песни:

Let me tell you about a little situation
It's been testing my patience
Man, she was keeping me up all night
'Cause you only get so far reading faces
We were off to the races
and I thought to myself "hold tight"
You see, there was just one complication
She was already taken
and what was so wrong felt so right
She said no need for looking over your shoulder
When you could just come over,
and we can work this out just fine.

I don't know what you want from me
So careless your company
I will follow what you say is true
There will be no getting over you
So, be done playing by your rules
If you're a joker, then I'm a fool
I guess there's no catching up to you

If you don't want my affection
Don't lie, you're tearing me up
'Cause you've got all my attention
I won't lie, you're tearing me up
I'm trying to take your intention
When you lie, you're tearing me up
If you don't want my affection
You won't mind, you're tearing me up

It all started with a simple conversation
It was on the weekend and she was talking me up all night
Kept asking me if I was only faking
She was there for taking
Showing me that she was all mine
She told me she lived just around the corner
I wanted to know her
Yeah, she was making me lose my mind
I didn't know quite what I was chasing
She left my heart racing
And all between, it was just one night.

I don't know what you want from me
So careless your company
I will follow what you say is true
There will be no getting over you
So, be done playing by your rules
If you're a joker, then I'm a fool
I guess there's no catching up to you.

If you don't want my affection
Don't lie, you're tearing me up
'Cause you've got all my attention
I won't lie, you're tearing me up
I'm trying to take your intention
When you lie, you're tearing me up
If you don't want my affection
You won't mind, you're tearing me up

Bob Moses - Tearing Me Up

Слова песни прочитаны: 522

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