Burak Yeter feat. Danelle Sandoval - Tuesday ILoveMakonnen

Текст песни:

Club goin up, on a Tuesday,,
Got your girl in the cut, and she choosey.

[Verse 1 Drake]

Squad goin' up, nobody flippin' packs now,
I just did three in a row, them shows is back-to-back-to-back now.
Put the world on our sound, you know PARTY and The Weeknd,
Ain't got no mothafuckin' time to party on the weekend.
PARTY и The Weeknd, 1
Tell Gelo, Bring the juice, we about to get lit.'
Fill the room up with some tings, one night off and this is it..
Always workin' OT, overtime and outta town,
Shit is crazy back home, it kills me that I'm not around.,
I think we gettin' too deep, shit I'm talkin' might be too true..
Upstairs I got Xans in an Advil bottle, I don't take them shits,.
But you do, so I got em for you,
I don't need the pills, I'm just gon' have another drink,,
And when I'm puttin' work in on a weekend,
I'll look back on this, and think how we had the club goin' up.

Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she choosey.

Workin Monday night, on the corner flippin hard,
Made at least three thousand on the boulevard.
I've been workin graveyard shifts every other weekend,
Ain't got no fuckin time to party on the weekend.
I've been flippin in the house, makin juugs on the highway,
I've been ridin out of state, makin money like my way.
I don't think that I should dance, I'm just gon' have another drink,
I'm doin my stance, you know, my molly pink,
I got the loudest of the loud, you know, my gas stink,
My P.O. think I'm in the house, don't give a damn bout what she think.
[Chorus ILoveMakonnen ×4]

Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
Got your girl in the cut, and she choosey.
[Bridge ILoveMakonnen]

And it ain't no way, no, how I made it on my own,
[Bridge ILoveMakonnen]
I made my own style, I don't think that I should stay,
You know, I gotta go, you're movin too fast,
Don't wanna take it slow.
[Chorus ILoveMakonnen ×4]

Club goin up, on a Tuesday,
[Припев LoveMakonnen ×4]
Got your girl in the cut, and she choosey.

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