Celldweller - Frozen

Текст песни:

Inside this fantasy
It seems so real to me
Synthetic ecstasy, when her legs are open
True Love behind a wall
Where men and angels fall
A fading memory, when my mind is frozen

I can see a frozen point in time
Where her figure still awaits
Tongue of fire tracing lips outline
Where frozen breath originates

With one motion of her wanting eyes
She strips everything away
This one moment is intensified
And colors all fade to grey

I am in the only place that i want to be
Though we know that it ends eventually
But it's alright cause right now we're frozen

"I want to forget mistakes they've helped me make
It's better to be broken than to break"

Inside this fantasy
It seems so real to me
Synthetic ecstasy, when her legs are open
True Love behind a wall
Where men and angels fall
A fading memory, when my mind is frozen

I can see a frozen point in time
That is easy to retrace
Light and darkness are both intertwined
The elements are in their place

One motion of her wanting mind
The real world begins to fade
And all the hateful things I have become
Temporarily go away

Inside this fantasy
It seems so real to me
Synthetic ecstasy, when her legs are open
True Love behind a wall
Where men and angels fall
A fading memory, when my mind is frozen


When my mind's frozen

I'll take you anwhere you want to go
Far from anything that feels like home (lets go)
You are anyone I want to be (it's here and now, and now it's only you and me)

It's never enough (mmm that's true)
I want to stay here (yeah, and I do too)
Breakin' it down(takin' it down)
With smell(smell), touch(touch), taste(taste), sight(sight), and sound(sound)

How long will I be here without you near because I'm so cold
Break them first or I'll get broken is not what I was told, now I'm so cold
I'm so cold
So cold

Inside this fantasy
It seems so real to me
Synthetic ecstasy, when her legs are open
True Love behind a wall
Where men and angels fall
A fading memory, when my mind is frozen

Inside this fantasy
It seems so real to me
Synthetic ecstasy, when her legs are open
True Love behind a wall
Where men and angels fall
A fading memory, when my mind is frozen


Celldweller - Frozen

Слова песни прочитаны: 602

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