Dirty Dancing OST Грязные танцы 2 - Do you only Wanna Da

Текст песни:

Funny thing is when I look into your eyes

I sense something so sincere in your disguise

You whisper secrets I hear only in my dreams

Then I wake up to your tele-smoke screen

I wait patiently while you play your game

'Cause in the end, I'll be the winner all the same

You'll see clearly when the song comes to a stop

I'll be the one blowing kisses from the top


(So baby, stop) Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya

You should surrender

You'll never win

Unless you give in

(So stop, baby, stop) Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya

You should surrender

You'll never win

Unless you give in

So won't you give our love a chance?

Or do you only wanna dance?

You put your lips very closely to my face

And then you run away and so begins the chase

I'll be the hunter, but boy, you better pray

'Cause when I want ya, I'll get you anyway

You know what I wanna do

It ain't nothing new

I'm tired of dropping clues

So, gonna step to you

Will you rise to my occasion?

Or will you make me change your station?

Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya (Uh)

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya

You should surrender

You'll never win

Unless you give in

(Stop) Stop, you're surrounded

(Oh, I got my love) Love all around ya

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya (Uh)

You should surrender (Uh)

You'll never win

Unless you give in

So won't you give our love a chance?

Or do you only wanna dance?

If you take my hands

And follow my lead

I'll make you dance (I can make you dance)

But if you get my feet (Get my feet)

And miss the beat (And miss the beat)

Then I can't take that chance (Then I can't take that chance)

If you take my hands (Oh)

And follow my lead (Oh, Oh, oh-oh)

I'll make you dance (I can make you dance)

But if you get my feet (Get my feet)

And miss the beat (And miss the beat)

Then I can't take that chance (I can't take it)

(So stop it) Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya

You should surrender

You'll never win

Unless you give in

(So stop) Stop, you're surrounded (Baby stop)

Love all around ya

(One wrong move) Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya (Uh)

You should surrender (Uh)

You'll never win

Unless you give in

(Stop, baby, stop) Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya (All around you)

Move and I'll down ya

And that'll end ya

You should surrender

You'll never win

Unless you give in

(So stop) Stop, you're surrounded

(I got my love) Love all around ya (All around you)

Move and I'll down ya (Uh-uh-uh)

And that'll end ya (Uh-uh-uh)

You should surrender (Uh-uh-uh)

You'll never win

Unless you give in

So won't you give our love a chance?

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