Draconian - Stellar Tombs

Текст песни:

A place where daylight aches
It's all unreal to you
A sunset calls me here
I swear to love it's true

So alien this vaulted screen
And patterns form into contours
The dark around me as dense as matter...
A stellar quake fills the astral space

How dare you not to see?
My tears are gifts to you
A heart you must set free
How dare you not believe?

Because I freeze in the warmth, in the glow of Helios -
sweat in the heart of summer drained
and radiant life to falter and beautiful tears to dry
I'm gracefully bowing... in horror

Waterless like the ocean
Drizzling like the deserts
Come emerge and wallow
Pretend like nothing at all
Along the whirlwinds in your head

A place where daylight aches
It's all unreal to you
A sunset calls me here
I swear to love it's true

Petrified spirit, dilated stare...
I'm piercing through these icy shackles
Somehow cast around this nebula,
Unwilling to enter my birth

Would you take my hand and follow through the ether?
would you sweat and dance in winters' bloom?
for radiant life to falter and beautiful tears to dry
I'm gracefully bowing... in sorrow

Waterless like the ocean
Drizzling like the deserts
Come emerge and wallow
Pretend like nothing at all
Along the whirlwinds in your head

...Along the whirlwinds in your head

frailty and strength marry and dissolve
and the sky fills up with poetry and song...
into the soothing black we go

Draconian - Stellar Tombs

Слова песни прочитаны: 389

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