Ellie Goulding - Under The Sheets OST сплетница

Текст песни:

Like all the boys before, like all the boys (boys, boys, boys)

You left a blood stain on the floor
You set your sights on him
You left a hand print on the door
Like all the boys before, like all the boys before (boys, boys, boys, boys)

This is our luck, baby, running out
Her clothes were never off
We still have hours to run about
To scale the map, to scale the map, to get us back on track
I've seen you in a fight you lost, I've seen you in a fight

We're under the sheets and you're killing me
In our house made of paper, your words of love fill me
We're under the sheets and you're killing me

Like all the boys before, like all the boys (boys, boys, boys)

In here the world won't bring us down
Our plan is golden
Out there a lonely girl could drown
In here we're frozen

Where did the people go?
My hands are empty
You're not the answer I should know
Like all the boys before, like all the boys before

We're under the sheets and you're killing me
In our house made of paper, your words of love fill me
We're under the sheets and you're killing me

We're in a mess baby, we're in a mess baby
Your more is less, babe
We're in a mess baby, we're in a mess baby
Your more is less, babe

We're under the sheets and you're killing me
In our house made of paper, your words of love fill me
We're under the sheets and you're killing me
(I've seen you in a fight you lost)
Like all the boys before, like all the boys before
We're under the sheets and you're killing me
In our house made of paper and your words of love fill me

Ellie Goulding - Under The Sheets (OST сплетница)

Слова песни прочитаны: 436

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