Eminem ft. Akon - Smack That - Smack That

Текст песни:

[ Chorus ] [ Akon ]

I feel you creepin i can you see you from my shadow
wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo?
maybe goto my place and just kick it like Tae-Bo
and possibly bend you over, look back and watch me
smack that, all on the floor, smack that, gimme some more
smack that, til you get sore, smack that
smack that, all on the floor, smack that, gimme some more
smack that, til you get sore, smack that

[ Verse 1 ] [ Akon ]

Shawty if you wanna ride, you can ride on me
we can bump heads and collide on me
want beef, damn right, can rely on me
ring that Campbell like Naomi
just move that girl and take it on easy
lookin all oiled up and all greasy
bout that time you stop that teasin'
way that you drop got me ....
Whats funny is you takin all my money for real
Id rather spend it on you right now that my homies' bailed and i can see thats what youre made for
and aint never been no lame hoe
with that booty bought and paid for
wont move til your on my pay roll

[ Chorus ] [ Akon ]

[ Verse 2 ] [ Stat Quo ]

Yea Yea
Stat Quo Lets get it
Love when you do it, love move to it, like you used to it drop it down, wanna put my thang to it
to the crib we go, go fast and slow
make it twurk like stripper, slide down my pole
shawty ass so swole, got your boy like 'whoa'
one night with me, and she wanna marry Stat Quo
but im like 'no', lets keep it on the low
on occasion let me come through and tap that hole
make you lose control, all the girls know
that i hit it right, at night im a pro
i only come 'round to get sexual
she flexible and bisexual
i might stay around for a longer time
only if, only if she can blow my mind
i can hurt that, murk that, work thats fine
now she in love and wants to be mine
Stat Quo

[ Chorus ] [ Akon ]

[ Verse 3] [ Bobby Creekwater ]

Yea, Bobby Creek..
know what im sayin..
the ice in the watch reflects the light to her
the money quite green, and the ice light blue-er
the sweat might kill her
so i say goodnight to her
she dont want me to leave
i can see right through her
so we..dipped out, burn, one trip, out
get low like carribean limbo
then you go out like light
baby girl get right
head so swole, my hat dont fit right
we can cruise in the car or we can take flight
the middle of the night
make your body act like Mike Vick against the Eagles
call myself a King cause im Regall
to be this hot its not legal
but we dont care listen baby its a fact that
if you drop back, ima quaterback sack that
we can go deep and i can shark attack that
say you dont remember where your keys and your hat at?

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