Glee Cast - My Love Is Your Love Уитни Хьюстон

Текст песни:

Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Mercedes Turn me up, turn me up)
Clap your hands y'all it's alright
Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Mercedes Oohhhh)
Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Mercedes Ooh)

If tomorrow is Judgement Day
(Artie Sing mommy)

And I'm standing on the front line
(Artie Mmmm) And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you
(Artie Clap your hands y'all it's alright)

It's alright
(Artie Clap your hands y'all it's alright)

If I wake up in World War III
(Mercedes World War III)
(Artie In World War III)
I see destruction and poverty (Mercedes In my mind, you're mine)

And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay (Artie okay) if you're comin' with me

Artie with Blaine
Clap your hands y'all (with Kurt it's alright)
(Mercedes It's alright)

Artie and Kurt
Clap your hands y'all it's alright

Oh yeah

Mercedes and Artie
'Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Kurt and Artie with New Directions
Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Mercedes It's Alright)
Clap your hands y'all it's alright
Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Artie mmhmm mmhmm)

If I lose my fame and fortune
(Blaine Really don't matter)
And I'm homeless on the street
(Mercedes On street oh Lord)
And I'm (with Kurt sleepin' in Grand Central Station)
(Mercedes Okay)
It's okay if you're sleepin' with me

New Directions
Clap your hands y'all it's alright
Clap your hands y'all it's alright (Mercedes alright)

As the years they pass us by, woah woah woah woah
(Artie Years they, years they, years)

We stay young through each other's eyes

Each other's eyes
And no matter (With Blaine how old we get)
It's okay..

It's okay as long as I got you babe

New Directions
Clap your hands y'all it's alright
Clap your hands y'all it's alright

'Artie and Mercedes with New Directions
'Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love (Mercedes your love baby)
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

'Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I should die this very day
(New Directions Clap your hands y'all it's alright) (Mercedes Very very very day)
Don't cry, 'cause on earth we wasn't meant to stay
(New Directions Clap your hands y'all it's alright) (Mercedes Don't cry)

And and no matter what the people say
(New Directions Clap your hands y'all it's alright) (Artie Really don't matter)

Mercedes and Artie with New Directions
I'll be waiting for you after the Judgement Day

New Directions
'Cause your love is my love (Mercedes Your love)
And my love is your love (with Artie Your love)

Artie with New Directions
It would take an eternity to break us (Mercedes Break us, yeah)

New Directions
And the chains of Amistad couldn't (With Artie Hold us)
'Cause your love is my love (Mercedes Your love)
(Mercedes My love)And my love is your love

Artie with New Directions
It would take an (With Mercedes eternity to break us)
And the chains of Amistad couldn

Glee Cast - My Love Is Your Love (Уитни Хьюстон)

Слова песни прочитаны: 532

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