Green Day - Peacemaker Acapella

Текст песни:

Well, Ive got a fever
A non-believer
Im in a state of grace
For I am the Caesar
Im gonna seize the day
Well, call of the banshee hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
As God as my witness
The infidels are gonna pay

Well, call the assassin
The orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well, call of the wild hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Well, death to the girl at the end of the serenade

Vendetta, sweet vendetta
This Beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Well, shots ringing out on a holy parasite

Well, I am a killjoy from Detroit
I drink from a well of rage
I feed off the weakness with all my love
Well, call up the captain hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Well, death to the lover that you were dreaming of

Well, this is a stand off
A Molotov cocktail's
On the house
You thought I was a write off
You better think again
Well, call the peacemaker hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Im gonna send you back to the place where it all began

Vendetta, sweet vendetta
This Beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Well, shots ringing out on a holy parasite

Well now the caretakers the undertaker
Now Im gonna go out and get the peacemaker
This is the neo St. Valentines Massacre
Well call up the Gaza hey hey
hey hey hey hey hey
And, death to the ones at the end of the serenade

Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade

Green Day - Peacemaker (Acapella)

Слова песни прочитаны: 557

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