Hollywood Undead - Everywhere I Go Castle Renholder remix

Текст песни:

Everywhere I go, bitches always know
That Charlie Scene has got a weenie that he loves to show (bitch)
Everywhere I go, bitches always know
That Charlie Scene has got a weenie that he loves to show

Wake up, grab beer, grab rear, shave beard
Put on some scene gear
Gotta get drunk before my Mom wakes up
Break up with my girlfriend, so I can bang sluts
I'm undead, unfed, been sleeping on bunk beds since 10
So if I don't booze it, I'm gonna lose it
Everybody get to it, do it, get ruined

Let's get this party started, let's keep them 40's poppin' (what)
So just get buzzed, and stay fucked up, we'll keep them panties droppin'

When I start drinking, my dick does all my thinking
Ho's want to be seen with me, and I like their big fake titties
Tea cups with extra filling, take it out, let me lick it quickly
Calm down, it's just a hickey, I'll blame it on this whiskey sipping, gets me tipsy

Drink fast and enjoy your buzz
Take backstreets to avoid the fuzz
I wanna take you home, but your friends won't let ya
I got a 40 in my Ford Fiesta
Buy beer or pay the rent
My singing bonus was quickly spent
So I'll beat my meat like I'm a fuckin' butcher
And I'll punk the pussy like I'm Ashton Kutcher

Let's get this party started, let's keep them 40's poppin' (what)
So just get buzzed, and stay fucked up, we'll keep them panties droppin'

Let's get this party jumpin'
Let's see some 40 chuggin'
I wanna see your booty rubbin'
Against my dick when I start buzzin'

C'mon girls I wanna see you drinkin'
I wanna see your brain start shrinkin'
Make a move I saw you winkin'
Drunken pussy is what I'm thinkin'

I don't give a fuck if you're drunk or not
Turn it up loud and feel the ambience
Grab two ho's and do some body shots
I wanna party all night 'til they call the cops

Fuck a wrist band, let's all do a keg stand
I'm like Cheech, you got the Chong, hittin' up the beer bong

The cops show up, they're gonna get the finger
And I don't give a fuck...'cause Im the designated drinker

Let's get this party started, let's keep them 40's poppin' (what)
So just get buzzed, and stay fucked up, we'll keep them panties droppin'

Hollywood Undead - Everywhere I Go (Castle Renholder remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 495

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