Hollywood Undead - Gravity Nightcore Remix

Текст песни:

[Intro Danny]
Cause I
I think of you now and then
The memories never end when
Gravity pulls you in

[Verse 1 Charlie Scene]
I remember looking back
Converse and a Starter cap
Now I'm sitting, wishing that
Wishing I could just go back
I was happy with no fame
Ford Fiesta, switching lanes
Buying 40's with some change
The Southern California days

[Verse 2 J-Dog]
I watch you pass me by
My words they can't describe
But I can see the gravity
Way up from the sky
We leave the past behind
'Cause we all wanna fly
Deep down in life you can't deny
We're all the same inside

[Chorus Danny]
Cause I
I think of you now and then
The memories never end when
Gravity pulls you in

Cause I
I think of you now and then
We'll never be there again when
Gravity pulls you in

Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity

[Verse 3 Funny Man]
I remember looking back
Walkin' round, sagging khaks
Dime sacks, alley cats
Burned out, always slack
Now I got a platinum plaque
And life seems to stay the same
Knowing that I'll never change
Southern California days

[Verse 4 Johnny 3 Tears]
Gravity can't stop
The hope and the have-nots
This artery's a part of me
And blood is all I'm gonna be
I'm gonna see concrete
Bottles and bad dreams
I'm everything and anything
A memory that never leaves

[Chorus Danny]
Cause I
I think of you now and then
The memories never end when
Gravity pulls you in

Cause I
I think of you now and then
We'll never be there again when
Gravity pulls you in

[Bridge Danny]
Deep in the black is the place I call home
Taking me back to the place I belong
Deep in the black, I can find my way home
Please take me back to the place I belong

[Chorus Danny]
Cause I
I think of you now and then
The memories never end when
Gravity pulls you in

Cause I
I think of you now and then
We'll never be there again when
Gravity pulls you in

Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity

Hollywood Undead - Gravity (Nightcore Remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 656

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