Jordyn Jones - Banji

Текст песни:

Ay, man I'm so banji
Man I'm so banji
Ay, man I'm so banji
Man I'm so banji

I'm banji, I'm fancy
I'm so fine, you can't stand me
You're just a nominee, baby, I'm a grammy
I'm so hot, y'all better come fan me
Yo, chicks better listen, 'fore they thinkin' 'bout dissin'
I gotta few girls and we always on a mission
Booty come through the door poppin' and twistin'
We hittin' on the loose 'til the Jeffrey missin'
Ow, call me a diva
If you gotta girl, bet I can make you leave her
So bonita, you can say I'm a keeper
Me and my crew we're like the best ever
Yes, up and down check me out but look up and down
Baby, I run the world, I run this town
I ride in style you ride a greyhound
Uh, where did this chick come from
Where did this where did this chick come from
Actin' like she she number one
Ow, I'm done

Banji, banji, banji
We so banji
Banji, banji, banji
Got another one, let's go

Ay, man I'm so banji
Man I'm so banji

[Where my banji babes at?]
Getta getta

Workin' late so we get into this
Look at the face it's just so finesse
Up in the booth is where I-I spit
Tell them haters pull up and sit
Ain't that the truth
Yep, I bring it
All my friends, we bumpin' to this
Banji babes, twistin' our wrists
They all be watchin' while we break down like this
Ow, look at that, look at that what
Ba, ba, boom lookin' like what
'Bout that time to toss it up
You know we can back that up

[You got an attitude
Cause I just took yo' dude
He ran away and now he don't even wanna see your face]

Face, I'm really fake and you just takin' the bait
And when I'm up in the place, the chicks hate
Yeah, they wanna take my place and replace
Better get out my way got no time for mistakes

(Spoken) I don't have any time for you so
Mmm hmm, why would I ever address you
Who do you think you are

You know we so perfect
The way that we work it
We move and we twerk and we swag and we surfin'

Oh, man I'm so banji
Man I'm so banji
Oh, man I'm so banji
Man I'm so banji

Oh, so banji
Oh, B-A-N-J-I-I
Oh, so banji
Oh, B-A-N-J-I-I

Jordyn Jones - Banji

Слова песни прочитаны: 646

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