Joseph SoMo - The Morning The Weeknd cover

Текст песни:

From the morning to the evening
Pains from the tenant
Got the walls kickin like they six months pregnant
Drinking Alaze without cereal for breakfast
Girls calling cabs at dawn quoted to seven
Skies getting cold
You're flying from the north
Walking in to the city like a sold out show
House full of hoes that specialize into hoein
Make that money rain as they takin off they clothes
Auto plane tickets
Cali is the mission
Visit every month like I'm split life living
Let the world listen if a haters card slipping then my ni**as stay tight
Got my back life pippin
Fast life crippin
Yellow still tippin
Codeine cups paint a picture so vivid
Face try to mimic
Got girls timid
But behind closed doors they get pulled for riches

All that money the money is the motive
All that money the money is the motive
All that money the money she be foldin
Girl put in work girl girl put in work
Girl put in work girl girl put in work
Girl put in work

Push it to the limit
Push it through the pain
I push it for the pleasure like the virgin to the game
A virgin to that money
A virgin to the fame
So this my only chance and when I'm over only pray that I flow from the bottom
Closer to the top
The higher that I climb
The harder I'ma drop
These pussy ass ni**as tryna hold on to their credit so I tell them use a debit watch they in there start to listen
I don't want them like discretion
Why these ni**as testing
Always fu**ing twisted
Why these ni**as testing
Sh*t that I got them on straight bar hopping to the music that I ambiance
Get sh*t popping
Zombies of the night
Ni**as aint talking if they hyping to the crew get it in like pockets
Downtown loving
When the moon coming
Only place to find babes, cabs, and hot women

Better slow down
She'll feel it in the morning
Aint the kind of girl you'll be seeing in the morning
Too damn raw aint no ni**a worth her holding
Aint no ni**a that she holding man the love is suiting for it

Joseph SoMo - The Morning (The Weeknd cover)

Слова песни прочитаны: 558

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