Kanye West - Black Skinhead Remix feat. Miley Cyrus & Travi Scott

Текст песни:

God God God God God

[Intro Miley Cyrus]
Welcome to your life
Diamond through the light
This Miami vice
It's that life (okay, okay)
Dodging bullets in the air when (okay, okay)
There's cameras everywhere and (okay, okay)
You don't know how to act right
Everybody wants to rule the world

[Verse 1 Kanye West]
For my theme song (black)
My leather black jeans on (black)
My by-any-means on
Pardon, I'm gettin' my scream on
Enter the kingdom (black)
But watch who you bring home
They see a black man with a white woman
At the top floor they gone come to kill King Kong (skrrrrrt)
Middle America packed in (black)
Came to see me in my black skin (black)
Number one question they're askin' (straight up)
Fuck every question you askin' (black)
If I don't get ran out by Catholics (black)
Here come some conservative Baptists
Claiming I'm overreactin'
Like them black kids in Chiraq bitch

[Bridge Miley Cyrus]
Actin' on your worst behavior
Turn your back on all your haters
Everybody wants to rule the
Everybody wants to rule the world (straight up)
The world

[Refrain Kanye West]
But there's nowhere to go (now)
And there's no way to slow (down)
If I knew what I knew in the past
I would've been blacked out on your ass

[Hook Kanye West]
Four in the mornin', and I'm zonin'
They say I'm possessed, it's an omen
I keep it 300, like the Romans
300 bitches, where the Trojans?
Baby, we livin' in the moment
I've been a menace for the longest
But I ain't finished, I'm devoted
And you know it, and you know it

[Verse 2 Kanye West]
Stop all that coon shit
Early morning cartoon shit
This is that goon shit
Fuck up your whole afternoon shit
I'm aware I'm a wolf
Soon as the moon hit
I'm aware I'm a king
Back out the tomb bitch
Black out the room, bitch
Stop all that coon shit
These niggas ain't doin' shit
Them niggas ain't doin' shit
Come on homie what happened
You niggas ain't breathin', you gaspin'
These niggas ain't ready for action-action
Ready-ready for action

[Hook Kanye West]
Four in the mornin', and I'm zonin'
They say I'm possessed, it's an omen
I keep it 300, like the Romans
300 bitches, where the Trojans?
Baby, we livin' in the moment
I've been a menace for the longest
But I ain't finished, I'm devoted
And you know it, and you know it

[Refrain Kanye West]
So follow me up cause this shit 'bout to go (down)
I'm doing 500, I'm outta control (now)
But there's nowhere to go (now)
And there's no way to slow (down)
If I knew what I knew in the past
I would've been blacked out on your ass

[Interlude Kanye West (Travis Scott)]
God (straight up)
God (Do it, do it, do it)

[Outro Travis Scott]
Everybody wanna move it
Get inside it, why they do it
Everybody, ride a little bit
Everybody, body do it
Do it
Do it

Kanye West - Black Skinhead (Remix) (feat. Miley Cyrus & Travi Scott)

Слова песни прочитаны: 600

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