kat dahlia - one love

Текст песни:

You say you a gangsta, that dont impress me none
You say you a gangsta, aint seen a thing you done
I do it all on myself, I aint getting help
From no one, from no one

Yeah Im young, 21, living in a crazy world
But I know the difference between a man and a herp
You funny like you got it, claim they hittin on your wallet
Gucci tellin you the time and you watch it,
Now you stunnin like my daddy, hes livin with my grannie
Used to be a big baller, he surviving off a
But I love him, hes my daddy, I love him hes my daddy
Put him in a big house, before I ever see a grammy
And my mami started working days at the church
Finding faith in god cause the real world hurts
So much evil lurks they just make us work
But we cant find work
Oh wella, mami and 2 girls, in an one bedroom
South beach lifestyle, they just paying for the view
Mami on the couch, since she was 42
Sacrificing for the kids, cause thats what mamis do
So I smoke my spliff, I spliff it hard
Candy my voice its getting too harsh
So I sobered up, and my thoughts they rush
And now I think of you, behind bars
Crossing lines, this live feel good
In miami you catch a charge
And the whole family tears apart

[Hook] x 2
You say you a gangsta, that dont impress me none
You say you a gangsta, aint seen a thing you done
I do it all on myself, I aint getting help
From no one, from no one

And this recession so depression
My parents dont stop stressin
Just hopin I learned all they lessons
And Im paying for this session
Im paying for this session
And Im paying rent, food, clothes, phones, chrisas presents
6 shots and Im just counting all my blessings
No days off baby I aint resting
I told my things, now Im done confessin

[Hook] x 2
You say you a gangsta, that dont impress me none
You say you a gangsta, aint seen a thing you done
I do it all on myself, I aint getting help
From no one, from no one

Come with to the top, I make with what Ive got
You on a number baby, Im on a mission, catch up
Men sellin love like fiends
Blowing up girl illusions, stop flirt on with
So I took on my heart, up from my sleep
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
Yeah they all hungry
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
Right when you thought you had me
Baby you just lost someone
Finally got over you, baby time to move on
Never learned your lesson, aint even gonn question
Why you in so wrong
Right when you thought you had me
Baby you just lost someone
Finally got over you, baby time to move on
Never learned your lesson, aint even gonn question
Why you in so wrong

You say you a gangsta, that dont impress me none
You say you a gangsta, aint seen a thing you done.

kat dahlia - one love

Слова песни прочитаны: 564

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