KoRn - Kidnap the Sandy Claws

Текст песни:

Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Wait I've got a better plan
To catch this big red lobster man
Let's pop him in a boiling pot
And when he's done we'll butter him up
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks
Then Mr. Oogie Boogie man
Can take the whole thing over then
He'll be so pleased, I do declare
That he will cook him rare
I say that we take a cannon
Aim it at his door and then
Knock three times and when he anwers
Sandy Claws will be no more
You're so stupid, think now
If we blow him up into smithereens
We may lose some pieces
And the Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Tie him in a bag
Throw him in the ocean
Then see if he is sad
'Cus Mr. Oogie Boogie id the meanest guy around
If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town
He'll be so pleased by our success
That he'll reward us too, I bet
Perhaps he'll make his special brew
Of snake and spider stew
We're his little henchmen
And we take our job with pride
We do our best to please him
And stay on his good side
I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb
I'm not the dumb one
You're no fun
Shut up
I've got something, listen now
This one is real good, you'll see
We'll send a present to his door
Upon there'll be a note to read
Now, in the box we'll wait and hide
Until his curiousity
Entices him to look inside
And then we'll have him
One, two, three
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, beat him with a stick
Lock him for ninety years, see what makes him tick
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, chop him into bits
Mr. Oogie Boogie is sure to get his kicks
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see
Lock him in a cage and then throw away the key
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, see what we will see
Lock him in a cage and then throw away the key

KoRn - Kidnap the Sandy Claws

Слова песни прочитаны: 709

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