Madame Macabre - Painted Smile

Текст песни:

I can't even remember how it started
a nagging voice my "normal" then departed from me
primal urges spiriting my senses away
Foggy glimpses of the boy I used to be

Preyed upon by the lowest of society
They're parasitic demanding your conformity
pushing limits things are gonna get real ugly
Ripping through the last shreds of my humanity

I'm not but a shadow of what I was
I'm hell bent and headed for you
Surely you've realized that there's no way out of this alive
close your eyes
'cause it's time for you to
go to sleep

Climbing through your windowpane
I'm creeping closer can you hear me?
go on mock me say I'm insane
but it's you whose caught in my game
cat and mouse a lovely circle
watch your tongue those words are hurtful
hush now won't you stay a while
join me with a painted smile
Tragic faces stationed at my bedside
warm embraces hollow on the inside and their
eyes betray them widening with fear and worry
fuses burn down and my vision becomes blurry

Liars always fill me with this unchained fury
Carve this face into their darkest memories 'cause
That's just showbiz this is a divine comedy
ready action pray that you're fast enough to flee

I'm not entirely unsympathetic
So I'll give you the count until three
Surely you've realized that there's no way out of here alive
close your eyes
'cause it's time for you to
go to sleep

Climbing through your windowpane
I'm creeping closer can you hear me?
go on mock me say I'm insane
but it's you whose caught in my game
cat and mouse a lovely circle
watch your tongue those words are hurtful
hush now won't you stay a while
join me with a painted smile

patience is a virtue when you're working on a masterpiece and
tolerance is valued when you're working on a living canvas
stitch my words into tender flesh this grin will stay forever fresh
Don't be lonely don't be jealous your turn's coming how could I forget?

Climbing through your windowpane
I'm creeping closer can you hear me?
go on mock me say I'm insane
but it's you whose caught in my game
cat and mouse a lovely circle
watch your tongue those words are hurtful
hush now won't you stay a while
join me with a painted smile

Madame Macabre - Painted Smile

Слова песни прочитаны: 796

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