Marie Claire D'Ubaldo - The Rhythm Is Magic

Текст песни:

Eyery heart beat is a miracle
Simply breathing out and breathing in
Every planet in the system every distant star
Dances to a master rhythm beating for all Eternity oh oh

The rhythm is magic feel it in your soul
Rhythm is the power of creation
In every living thing the force within
The rhythm is magic the rhythm is king

A dancer steps into the mystery
Native instinct feels the living spell
She surrenders to the power
Rhythm holds the key
Spirit opens like a flower breathing for all eternity oh oh

The rhythm is magic feel it in your soul
Rhythm is the power of creation
In every living thing the force within
The rhythm is magic the rhythm is king

La magia del rio siente su vibrar
Bebe su poder de sensaciones
En todo lo que ves la fuerza es
La magia del rio la magia de ser
Oh oh oh oh.,.,

El milagro de un latido mas
Respirando en cada palpitar
Las distancias se conectan con la exhaltacion
El secreto esta en el rio
Prueba de ver su inmensidad oh oh

The rhythm is magic feel it in your soul
Rhythm is the power of creation
In every living thing the force within
The rhythm is magic the rhythm is king (repeat)

Siente su vibrar
Bebe su poder de sensaciones
En todo lo que ves la fuerza es
The rhythm is magic the rhythm is king (repeat)

Marie Claire D'Ubaldo - The Rhythm Is Magic

Слова песни прочитаны: 926

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