Matt Simons - Catch & Release Deepend Remix

Текст песни:

There's a place I go to
where no one knows me
It's not lonely
It's a necessary thing
It's a place I made up
Find out what I'm made of
The nights are stayed up
Counting stars and fighting sleep

Let it wash over me
Ready to loose my feet
Take me on to the place where one reviews life's mistery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far
to go

Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day

It gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love

There's a place I'm going
no one knows me
If I breathe real slowly
let it out and let it in
They can be terrifying
to be slowly dying
Also clarifying
the end where we begin

So let it wash over me
I'm ready to loose my feet
Take me on to the place where one reviews life's mistery
Steady on down the line
Lose every sense of time
Take it all in and wake up that small part of me
Day to day I'm blind to see
And find how far
to go

Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day

It gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love

Everybody got their reason
Everybody got their way
We're just catching and releasing
what builds up throughout the day

And it gets into your body
And it flows right through your blood
We can tell eachother secrets
and remember how to love

Matt Simons - Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)

Слова песни прочитаны: 671

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