Megadeth - Forget To Remember E tuning

Текст песни:

Sands in the hourglass fall for us all
You don't answer me anymore when I call
So much is trapped inside, tangled in your brain
It's getting cold outside and it looks like rain
The sky is falling and my heart is caving in

So, now the time has come to say the long goodbye
The setting of the sun reflecting in your eyes
Day after day after day the world will pass you by,
You forget to remember

If this is living, what the hell is living for?
You've boarded up your eyes, your mind has locked the door
I'm just a stranger now with an unfamiliar face
You can't recall me at all,
There's not a trace, not a trace, not a trace
I don't know where you are and my world is crumbling in

So, now the time has come to say the long goodbye
The setting of the sun reflecting in your eyes
Day after day after day the world will pass you by,
You forget to remember

I just want to talk
What do you want?
But you've nothing to say
Leave me alone
I beg you to come
Get away from me
And you just walk away
I have no idea who you are
I curse the day that your smile fades away, till then I pray

A burning candle in-between and at both ends
With all that we've learned, yet we still pretend
I just wish you could say my name again

They made the lock and broke the key,
The culprit was the mercury
The vaccine wipes your memories,
Till you forget even how to breathe
A tangled web they weave, when they practice to deceive

So, now the time has come to say the long goodbye
The setting of the sun reflecting in your eyes
Day after day after day the world will pass you by
I said that I'd be strong, but you know I had to lie

You forget to remember it's time to say the long goodbye

Megadeth - Forget To Remember (E tuning)

Слова песни прочитаны: 513

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