MGK - Her Song

Текст песни:

Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby
Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby

[Verse 1]
Huh Im just out here chasing my dreams girl, But its crazy cuz that dream cost me my dream girl
Promise you I wouldnt change before I left, now I think leaving is the one thing I regret
Cause the one thing I possess, it wasnt materials, wasnt checks, wasnt cars, wasnt clothes, or any part of success
It was you, and without that in my life Im depressed, you became the new drug I couldnt get
And everytime you came over I was on some shit, either too fucked up, or bitchin, dont remember how you dress
Even though I remember when you would lay with me when I aint have a bed, buy me food and come with me up with some head
You had me like a Dread locked down, but I wouldnt show it, instead got on that bus and left you blowin in the wind
Shit and its fucked up cuz every girl Im with I see your face, now summers here and Im sittin outside your place singin this shit

Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby
Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby

[Verse 2]
I never thought for a minute, if you showed me a picture of my life now, that you wouldnt be in it
Took me a couple years to say I loved you, but I meant it when I said it, wasnt much of a romantic, but you get it
Didnt really smoke, but when I rolled it up you hit it, and we lit it up, shotgun in our kisses
And fuck these other bitches baby, fuck these other bitches in my bunk
Staring up at all your pictures that you sent me on my birthday, remember that? cuz I couldnt forget it
Like I forgot yours, but Im sorry and I said it, I admit, I fucked up, and I lied, but this is true
I dont know what home is because Im lost without you, just like our favorite song, yeah blink 182
Now I just turn it off, when it comes on, I wish I hated you
I used to have someone at 3am that I could call, now it just rings and I dont get nothing at all
Where you at girl?

[Phone Call]
(Phone Rings)
Come on pick up.Yeah hold on give me a minute

Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system

Hi, Uhm, Im not here right now, Please leave a message (Beep)


Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby
Oh these times hard, yeah theyre making us crazy, Dont give up on me baby

MGK - Her Song

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