OST Девушка моего лучшего друга - Pop That Pussy

Текст песни:

Pop That Pussy

Look at the asson that bitch
Look at the titties"

(Mixx scratches "Aw hit me" and "Hold your legs up on easy.")

Verse 1 [Fresh Kid Ice]
There's only one place where we can go
To see freaky hoes doin' shows
Doin' tricks to make us holler
On a giving night, all for a dollar
Silicone breasts, all on their chests
Nothin' like others, but above the rest
They'll do anything to turn us on
Them hoes got it goin' on

[Brother Marquis]
I like big booty and big ol' titties
Bitch, you know you've been fucked by many
So come and be my private dancer
I got some money if that's the answer
I really wanna be with you
I get hard after seeing you
How hard? Hard like a rock,
When you make that pussy pop

Chorus (2x) [Luke]
Pop that pussy Heyyy
Pop that pussy, baby
Pop that pussy
Pop, pop that pussy, baby

Verse 2 [Fresh Kid Ice]
Freaky bitches with plenty of ass
Rollin' to the music and shakin' real fast
Bend over backwards, make me shout
And work that pussy, in and out
Movin' their body with plenty of action
Bringin' to the men more satisfaction
Doin' what they feel to turn us out
Just work that pussy all the way out

[Brother Marquis]
Shake it Don't break it
It took your momma nine months to make it
Bend over and spread 'em, girl
Show-w-w me those pussy pearls
Rub that ass and play with that clit
You know I like that freaky shit
Girl, you know you look so cute
Throwin' that pussy the way you do


Verse 3 [Fresh Kid Ice]
Poppin' that pussy's a dance for the ladies
Straight from the South, into the 90's
Freaky bitches are the ones I like
In G-strings in the middle of the night
Smoke-filled stages, bitches in cages
Guards at the door, armed with gauges
As they dance and I get hot,
Keep throwin' that pussy Don't stop

[Brother Marquis]
I like the way you lick the champagne glass
It makes me wanna stick my dick in your ass
So come on, baby, and pop it quick
I fall in love when you suck my dick
Bitch, you don't know? You ain't heard?
Fuckin' with me, you're gonna get served
See, none of my bitches, they never complain
So come on, baby, and pop that thang


Janet J, pop, that pus-sy
Bu-bles, pop, that pus-sy
Sandra P, pop, that pus-sy
Ma-donna, pop that stinky smelly pussy, baby

[Mr. Mixx] scratches
"Work this motherfucker"
"Shit, this good"
"Woo hoo"



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