Текст песни:

Got rocks on my wrist, that shit ya can't resist
Cash flow greater than the haters hatin' on my jizz
Ridin' in yo face, lookin' like I found a damn genie
Wilin' in my Lamborghini

La-Lamborghini, La-Lamborghini
Bitch, I know ya see me in my Lamborghini
La-Lamborghini, La Lamborghini
Ride so quick, ya would think I'm Houdini

Been in the game since Namco
Bring it back, I'm fully gassed, yo
Vroom vroom in my brand new Lambo
Juiced up and I don't give a damn, yo
Goin' 120, and that's my slowest
On a one-way lane like Lois
Who's that? Superman's bitch
Want to see what happens when I touch the Superman switch?
Ride wit mo' peers than Morgan
Drive past bloggers that are walkin'
I toured them, Matt Lees, can ya see me?
Wylin' in my Lamborghini


(Verse 2 P Money)
I be at home on the Xbox
Lord of the Mics in the background, slewin' MCs wit dreadlocks
Snap that party, told this girl "come round"
Chick's long-tempered but her head top
She goes hard till my head drops
It's all eyes when we connect
A Playboy bunny from downstairs, upstairs
Sound like a pet shop
Guys wanna hype on man
Poor KSI, I'll put ya in a headlock
I've been around since COD 4
Search and Destroy hardcore G3 wit a red dot
Haters get treated like a ho
Ya can tell them suck my dick and get lost
Paparazzi wanna take pics when I'm out wit my son
Ya can all get headshots
This flow's like Formula One
Cause I use the track like DRS
Quickly boostin' the PRS
She's goin' ape when I beat her chest
Bruh, it's mad Ya can tell Rihanna come see me
Might have to speed dial in that genie
JJ came in the Lamborghini


(Verse 3 KSI)
When my Lambo on the track, won't fall back
When I'm riding at speed, get that neck crack
Lacin' on the engine, errybody looking back
Like I'm shootin' guns I drive, got them goin' 'fuck that'
Raise the fucking doors, that's that make it look
Like a fucking eagle, like I'm startin' war
Dictatin' wit my beagles, speeds ain't even legal
Scarin' people, we ain't equal
Danny Glover ain't got shit on my muthafuckin' lethal weapon
Armageddon sounding when the man arrives
But we hope I come alive like a Five Alive
On the grind twenty one years, smashin' up the scene
And I keep on winnin' like I'm Mr Charlie Sheen


Слова песни прочитаны: 570

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