Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws - The Fade out Line

Текст песни:

It's everywhere I look
From Las Vegas to right here
Under your dresser
Right by your ear
It's creeping in sweetly
It's definitely here
There's nothing more deadly
Than slow growing fear

Life was full and fruitful
And you could take a real bite
The juice poring well over
Your skin delight
But the shadows it grows
And takes the depth away
Leaving broken down pieces
To this priceless ballet

The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line
The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line

Did we bulid all thoese bridges
To watch them thin down to dust
Or blow them voluntarily
Out of constant trust
The clock is ticking its last couple of tocks
And there won't on party with weathering frocks

The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line
The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line

Heading deeper down
We're sliding without noticing
Our own decline
Heading deeper down
We're heading onto
Sweet nothings left behind

Deeper down...
We're all going down
Down deeper down

We are all plunging straight towards our own decline
Without noticing
We slide
Deeper down
The shadows grows without ever slowing down
We are heading straight
Into the fade out line

The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line
The shallower it grows
The shallower it grows
The fainter we go
Into the fade out line

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