Phonique feat. Rebecca - Feel what you want OST Сладкая жизнь

Текст песни:

The sun rises at nine departs at five

Aint doing overtime no more

Because in this world of color

The brightest picture is plugged right into your wall

And maybe theres a million people singing shoeshine blues

To no one that theyve ever met before and

Indifference is a drug that I see people buy

At the local store, local store

You, you, you think a little love is all you need

But love is such a small thing cant you see

I think youll find it sits in a book and

Changes the words that you read

You just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be


You just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be

The man in the moon has a cold in the back of his head today

So dark is the river as the old bridge of lovers

Finds its getting washed all away

There are three wise men in the darkness of the desert

Still trying to be finding their way

The tables have been laid and the food has been served

But the cost of eating is too much for most to pay

You think a little love is all you need

But love is such a small thing cant you see

I think youll find it sits in a book and

Changes the words that you read

You just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be


You just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be

Feel it, feel it

Go ahead now go

Well, you just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be


You just feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be

Feel what you want it to be

What you want it to feel

What you want it to be

Phonique feat. Rebecca - Feel what you want (OST Сладкая жизнь)

Слова песни прочитаны: 569

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