PSY - HANGOVER feat. Snoop Dogg M/V

Текст песни:

Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Partys over, it aint over
Tryna make a bad memory over and over

Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Partys over, it aint over
Tryna find a single piece of me game over

Hangover. Hangover. Hangover. Hangover
Tryna find a single piece of me game over

Drink til you drunk
Smoke like a broke stove
Dont quit take flight
I cant remember last night
Its aight this the life of a superstar
Psy-fi with that boy trooping hard couping cars snoopy hard
In the paint drink another cup until I fall flat
All lead and then some 1-5-1 done dilly
Really for sure that
Im tow back intoxicated
Change over, game over, hangover, faded
Body shit miss
Deche reoki yes kkoekkori moschajgesseu
I-i-inimanimo catch a lady by the toe
Anyeppeumyeon yeppeoboilttae kkaji pparabeorigo

Drink it up and get sick
Bottoms up get wasted
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up
Oh my god dammit theres the fucking limit
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up

But I cant stop
Making bottles pop until the wheels fall off
And I cant quit
I wake up in the morning do the same shit
Wake up in the morning do the same shit

Hangover. Hangover. Hangover. Hangover
Tryna find a single piece of me game over

Waking and baking, shaking the flees
Caking and baking, raking the cheese
Early in the morning in the bathroom on my knees
Tipping and dripping, flipping the flow
Whipping and dripping a drink on the floor
This it the only way that I was taught a long time ago
Seoul, korea, youll see a g-ah like me-ah
Never would there ever be another like he-ah
G-a-n-g-s-t-a, nothing left to say
I done smoked my whole day

Baby nareul siheomhae
Eoseo na siheomhae
Geosigiga geosigihani geosigihago jjage geosigihae
Naeireun eopsda era
Moreugessda nae bae jjaera
Naeirui naneun oneurui neoreul baekpeuro molla

Drink it up get sick
Bottoms up get wasted
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up
Oh my god dammit theret the fucking limit
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up

But I cant stop
Making bottles pop until the wheels fall off
And I cant quit
I wake up in the morning do the same shit
Wake up in the morning do the same shit

Waking and baking, shaking the flees
Caking and baking, raking the cheese
Early in the morning in the bathroom
On my knees tipping and dripping, flipping the flow
Whipping and dripping a drink on the floor
This it the only way that I was taught a long time ago
Seoul, korea, youll see a g-a like me-ah
Never would there ever be another like he-ah
G-A-N-G-S-T-A, nothing left to say
I done smoked my whole day

Hangover hangover hangover hangover
Hangover hangover hangover hangover
Hangover hangover hangover hangover
Hangover hangover hangover hangover

Drink it up get sick
Bottoms up get wasted
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up
Oh my god dammit theret the fucking limit
Pour it up drink it up live it up give it up

But I cant stop
Making bottles pop until the wheels fall off
And I cant quit
I wake up in the morning do the same shit

Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Partys over, it aint over
Tryna make a bad memory over and over

Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)
Partys over, it aint over
Tryna find a single piece of me game over

PSY - HANGOVER feat. Snoop Dogg M/V

Слова песни прочитаны: 667

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