Sabaton - The Final Solution

Текст песни:

Country in depression
Nation in despair
One man seeking reasons everywhere
Growing hate and anger
The Fuhrer's orders were precise
Who was to be blamed and pay the price

Wicked propaganda
Turning neighbours into foes
Soldiers of the Third Reich searching homes
And then their former friends are watching
As they are round up one by one
Times of persecutions has begun

Ever since it started
On Kristallnacht '38
When liberty died
And truth was denied
Sent away on trains, sent on a one-way trip to Hell
Enter the gates - Auschwitz awaits

When freedom burns
The final solution
Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust
When millions burn
The curtain has fallen
Lost to the world as they perish in flames

There was a country in depression
There was a nation in despair
One man finding reasons everywhere
Then there was raising hate and anger
The Fuhrer's orders still apply
Who was to be blamed and sent to die

Ever since it started
On Kristallnacht '38
When liberty died
And truth was denied
Sent away on trains, sent on a one-way trip to Hell
Enter the gates - Auschwitz awaits

When freedom burns
The final solution
Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust
When millions burn
The curtain has fallen
Lost to the world as they perish in flames

When freedom burns
The final solution
Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust
When millions burn
The curtain has fallen
Lost to the world as they perish in flames

Sabaton - The Final Solution

Слова песни прочитаны: 541

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