The Neighbourhood - West Coast

Текст песни:

Me, I'm from a different type of left land, old wild west land
Nosebleeds, palm trees, and tumbleweeds rustling
Outsiders say it's happy here, but it's depressing
Too many pretty faces catching my attention
So I look at them, remind myself in the smudged glass
That pretty isn't everything, you punk ass.
Always hard to see past the surface, when it looks so perfect
But our eyes will disguise dirt on purpose, you listening?

I grew up here. under the sun.
In grade school I was the odd one out of the bunch
And I don't mean I was the kid to eat bugs for lunch,
I was the one who wasn't coming from where they're coming from
I speak poetically, and never pride my ignorance, but this California shit is rigorous
They say it's happy here, happiness is figurative,
I'm happy 'cause of me, doesn't matter where I'm living

If the sun was God, I'd be covered in faith,
If the ocean was the devil, I'd be covered in hate
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame

I'm waking up underneath sheets, naked still sweating
Slept in late so everybody else is ready
My friend called up, he said,
"Hurry up, buddy, it's almost sundown already."
So I hopped up, I went and washed up,
I ate some pasta, then I gave my mom hugs
And then I thought, "Uh, it's gonna be a pretty nice night."
But pretty isn't everything, right?

Golden state mind, I'm taking my time
Plain white shirt, and a skinny black tie
My top let down when I get picked up
P.C.H. so California
Maybe they were right happiness is a warm gun
But before you shoot, please warn us
Life is too fun. California will you marry me?
Let God be the sun and in the ocean they shall bury me

If the sun was God, I'd be covered in faith,
If the ocean was the devil, I'd be covered in hate
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame

The Neighbourhood - West Coast

Слова песни прочитаны: 660

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